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What’s the Best Way to Ingest Medical Marijuana?

When it comes to ingesting medical marijuana, there is no single “best” method of ingestion — it all depends on your unique medical needs, and how your body responds to each method of ingestion. Two people with the same health condition may prefer to ingest their medical marijuana in different ways but achieve virtually the same results. Before individuals from Philadelphia, PA, find out how to qualify for a medical marijuana card, they should look into the ingestion methods preferred by patients who have the same condition and a similar body type.

Let’s compare a few different methods of ingesting medical marijuana to determine what will work best for your medical needs. Check out this infographic, then continue reading below:

Smoking or Vaping

Inhalation is one of the quickest ingestion methods for alleviating unpleasant symptoms that occur very suddenly, such as nausea, headaches, muscle spasms, and more. It takes a long time to digest and metabolize THC from edible products, so it wouldn’t make much sense to treat an unexpected migraine by eating your medical marijuana. Smoking and vaping are ideal methods for treating symptoms that need quick attention because THC is quickly delivered to the patient’s bloodstream.


Prescription edibles with active THC are great for treating symptoms that may be stronger and more frequent than the symptoms generally treated by inhalation. Conditions that cause recurring issues like chronic pain, for example, may be treated best by THC that is digested, rather than inhaled. Edibles are like a slow-release medication, rather than fast-acting. 


Topical cannabis products differ greatly from medical marijuana that is inhaled or ingested, as topically-applied THC generally does not typically have psychoactive effects on the patient. Topical THC creams, lotions, and balms can be helpful for treating skin conditions, muscle pain, and more. Many topical THC products include essential oils and other ingredients that may create a warming or cooling feeling on the skin and muscles. 

Contact PA Medical Marijuana Doctor to Learn How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Philadelphia, PA, and For More Information About Qualifying Medical Conditions.

Dr. McCoy treated me with great compassion and took the time to listen to my needs. I really felt like he cared about helping me.

- Tyler

My son suggested I try using medical marijuana for my back pain. I made an appointment with Dr. McCoy, got my MMJ card, and my back has never felt better!

- Suzanne

I was skeptical of medical marijuana at first, but Dr. McCoy took the time to educate me and made the entire process of getting my MMJ card simple and straightforward.

- Jason

Step 1: Get Registered

Create a profile in the PA state Medical Marijuana Registry. This includes basic personal data like your name, current address, and contact information. You must have a Pennsylvania driver’s license or state ID card. 

Step 2: Get Certified

Schedule a consultation with PA Medical Marijuana Doctor to meet with a PA state-approved physician who can certify that you suffer from one of the qualifying medical conditions to participate in PA’s medical marijuana program.

Step 3: Get Your Patient ID

Once you’re certified by an approved physician, return to the Medical Marijuana Registry and finish filling out your application for a medical marijuana ID card. Once you receive your card, you can purchase medical marijuana from a dispensary.